Treatment Orientation: Cognitve-Behavior Therapy (CBT) and Exposure/Response Prevention for Anxiety Disorders
I am a licensed Clinical Psychologist in the state of California, as well as Nevada, and the Executive Director of the Center for Anxiety and Chronic Worry, located in Washoe County (Incline Village, Nevada. My treatment orientation and overall philosophy when working with anxiety disorders has always been best described as "evidenced-based," "solution focused," and short-term in nature (i.e., 10-12 sessions). This is NOT "talk therapy". My sessions employ a "Cognitive-Behavior Therapy" (CBT) emphasis, psycho-education concerning the condition being treated and, when indicated, the use of a gradual and systemic Exposure & Response Prevention intervention. From the onset of treatment, I want everyone I work with to have a solid understanding of their particular condition, such that they will actively engage in a treatment protocol that makes perfect sense for that individual. Sessions typically last 1.0-1.5 hours, and consist of state-of-the-art skills training. In addition, between-session assignments are prescribed to ensure that fast and durable change takes place. Quite frankly, my goal for those I work with is for these individuals to no longer need to see me weekly, as soon as possible, due to the fact that they have learned the skills needed to successfully manage their particular anxiety condition which has, for too long, been managing them. Managing Anxiety Disorders such as OCD, Social Anxiety, Panic Disorder, Phobias, Generalized Anxiety, or Chronic Worry is hard work. However, the results are well worth it! I've been specializing in these conditions for over 30 years, as a University Professor, and a Clinical Psychologist.
I am a Professional Member of the International Obsessive-Compulsive Foundation, the Anxiety & Depression Association of America, GoodTherapy, Psychology Today, and the American Psychological Association, and have presented/published over 100 research articles within the field of Anxiety Disorders, and Applied Behavior Analysis. I am also a graduate of the Behavior Therapy Training Institute (BTTI), which is designed to provide advanced post-licensure clinical training within the area of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. I am also a Certified TeleMental Health Professional.
It is not unusual that I see people from around the Country who have already worked with 2, 3, or more therapists in the past. All of whom have stated that they were "specialists" at treating Anxiety Disorders. There are only a limited number of therapists throughout the United States who can truly refer to themselves as "specialists" in the treatment of Anxiety Disorders. I have earned that distinction, and remain extremely disappointed at others who have not been entirely honest about their credentials. Although I can't control for these occurrences, what I can control is the quality of treatment which I provide for those who are suffering from an Anxiety Disorder. The Center for Anxiety Disorders & Chronic Worry implements treatment protocols which are "evidenced-based", short-term, and highly effective.
My research and clinical interests include the Cognitve-Behavioral Treatment (CBT) of Anxiety Disorders, such as Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Chronic Worry, Panic Disorder with Agoraphobic Avoidance, Social Anxiety, Health Anxiety, Specific Phobias (e.g., claustrophobia, acrophobia {fear of flying}, etc.), and Compulsive Hoarding. I am currently conducting several clinical outcome research studies related to (a) Cognitive-Behavior Therapy (CBT) directed at Lowering the "Meaningfulness" of Specific Themes/Core Beliefs endorsed by those who Evidence an Anxiety Disorder and (b) The Design and Implementation of Cognitive-Behavior Therapy (CBT) procedures related to Out-of-Office Unplanned Exposure Sessions for the Treatment of Anxiety and Related Conditions.
How Therapy Can Help
My philosophy concerning the therapeutic process is that therapy can only help under two primary conditions: (1) the person providing the therapy is a true specialist (not a generalist) regarding the diagnosis in question (e.g., an Anxiety Disorder), and (2) the person receiving the treatment is motivated to work very hard during each session, as well as in-between sessions. Therapy is a learning process. In order to learn any new skill, you first need to find a great teacher. They can often be hard to find! Before deciding on a therapist (who will become your private teacher), be sure to research their credentials, interview them over the phone, etc. You owe that to yourself, and your prospective therapist owes that to you. If you don't ask the right questions, you won't get the right answers. Oh, and one last thing. If the prospective therapist says that he or she doesn't have the time for a phone interview, or is going to charge you a fee for such a discussion, hang up the phone, and call Dr. Barry Barmann, at 775.831.2436.
Professional Memberships & Clinical/Research Interests
To learn more about Dr. Barmann's educational and professional work experience, please click onto the Curriculum Vita link, Barry C. Barmann, Ph.D. CV.pdf
937 Tahoe Blvd. Ste. 205
Incline Village, NV. 89451
Phone: 775.831.2436

TeleMental Health Treatment
Much of my clinical work when treating Anxiety Disorders consistes of performing TeleMentalHealth sessions via phone and/or video-conferencing. For a comprehensive description of my remote distance sessions, procedures, philiosophy, and registration forms, please visit my TeleMental Health Page on this web site.