Over the course of several years of clinical research, the Center for Anxiety & Chronic Worry, located in Incline Village, NV. (Lake Tahoe) has developed a very successful short-term, out-patient program for the treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), as seen within the adolescent, teen and adult population. Cognitive Therapy and Cognitive-Behavior Therapy (CBT) are the primary strategies I use for the treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. For the past several years, the research literature has consistently demonstrated through hundreds of empirical (evidence-based) studies that these treatment strategies are the “First Line” treatments of choice when working with an individual who experiences obsessions and/or compulsions. Due to the fact that many different forms of anxiety disorders, and particularly Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, are significantly affected by one’s unrealistic beliefs, thoughts, and misinterpretations of everyday events, therapeutic goals primarily involve helping the patient to become more aware of their specific cognitive "core beliefs", and their associated "cognitive errors" (misinterpretations), which may serve to trigger and/or maintain obsessive-compulsive symptoms. It is common that I assign specific tasks to be performed at home, or in the community, following each treatment session, such that the patient may practice newly learned skills acquired during therapy sessions for the purpose of enhancing, maintaining and generalizing treatment gains to one’s home, work or social settings. As a result of my Cognitive-Behavioral (CBT) orientation, therapeutic techniques directed at the treatment of OCD consist of specific treatment procedures, such as imagined and situational exposures to anxiety-provoking stimuli, and response (ritual) prevention concerning both covert (mental) and overt (behavioral) rituals. On occasion, I also support, when indicated, the adjunct use of specific medications shown to have efficacy with respect to the treatment of OCD. These medications typically consist of those which affect the serotonergic system, such as Clomipramine (Anafranil), as well as several different SSRI medications (e.g., Lexapro, etc.). For more information regarding the treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, please visit the Obsessive-Compulsive Foundation and the Anxiety & Depression Assocation of America Web Sites.
Please click onto the links seen below in order to read more concerning the nature and treatment of Obsessions & Compulsions.
Press the Play button to view a 2-minute video clip explaining the "Obsession-Ritual" process, as it occurs within the brain.
937 Tahoe Blvd. Ste. 205
Incline Village, NV. 89451
Phone: 775.831.2436
Copyright © 2014-2020: Center for Anxiety & Chronic Worry
All rights reserved: Barry C. Barmann, Ph.D.
937 Tahoe Blvd. Ste. 205 Incline Village, NV. 89451
Tel. 775.831.2436